If You Want to Jump Start Innovation, This Meme Will Help
For the past 27 years I have been working "in the belly of the beast" as Che Guevera once said -- corporate America. Along the way, I have met a ton of awesome people: visionary, creative, soulful, committed, and kind people. I have also met quite a few curmudgeons, naysayers, and skeptics. Such is life. No matter where YOU are on this spectrum, this blog post is dedicated to you. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Indeed that's where innovation begins -- in the mind. Your thoughts matter. As do your assumptions, intentions, self-talk, and mojo. Let go of doubt and hesitation. Lean into the possibilities before you! Let it rip!
50 quotes on possibility
Storytelling and the Innovation Mindset
Idea Champions
Innovation is a proof that we are still alive and humanity is doing its best to evolve and do bigger things. It is something that we should not be afraid off but rather it is something that we should welcome and adapt to in order to live a happier life here on earth
Posted by: Marie Clarens at October 19, 2016 03:25 AM
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