Watch These Videos If You Want to Foster a Culture of Innovation
If your organization (or any department, therein) is interested in establishing a culture of innovation, you may want to take a few minutes now to view the following brief (less than 8 minutes each) videos on the topic. The intention to raise the bar for innovation is, indeed, a noble one, and I applaud you for taking on the challenge. That being said, the effort required to achieve any kind of measurable results needs to be well-considered before jumping in with both feet.
Cultivating a Culture of Innovation
Organization Do Not Innovate. People Innovate.
The Six Sides of the So-Called Box
The Seed of Innovation Moment
The Dark Side of Innovation Initiatives
Nice videos.
When you celebrate the harvest, ask the gardener, "Who was helpful?" Only helpful people are promoted. This will lead to the "Who was helpful?" culture.
Posted by: Kevin Kobett at August 1, 2017 07:05 AM
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