A New Facebook Group for Aspiring Innovators and Cultural Creatives
After 28 years of being an "innovation provocateur" for hundreds of forward thinking organizations around the world, one thing has become very clear to me: most people with BIG IDEAS usually end up derailed somewhere along the way.
Simply put, they lose steam, lose heart, and lose their way. The result? No result.
This is why I have launched "Being a Creator on Planet Earth" -- a new Facebook group designed to help aspiring innovators, from every walk of life, manifest their big, bold, beautiful ideas. The content? Inspired quotes by creative icons, innovation-sparking articles, mind-opening videos, stories, best practices, and a sprinkling of tips, tools, and techniques. Juicy. Engaging. Fun.
Three minutes a day is all it takes. Sometimes, less than 60 seconds.
The Facebook Group
The creator of the Facebook Group
50 quotes on possibility
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