I have a confession to make. Actually, it's more like a revelation than a confession.
You know all those fabulous quotes and articles you've read over the years with no attribution other than "Anonymous"? It was me. It's true. I have written thousands of things I've never signed my name to. I couldn't. I mean -- the writing just came through me. Like a storm. In fact, I was in such a state of presence as these pearls of wisdom appeared, there wasn't even a "me" involved, so how could I sign my name?
So I did the only thing I could do -- and that was to sign what I wrote with the now all-too-familiar word "Anonymous".
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining, nor do I have any regrets about my selfless decision. It felt right at the time. But now, with the economy slowing down -- it's starting to make sense that I claim what is rightfully mine.
After countless hours of consultations with pundits, epistemological savants, numerologists, and intellectual property lawyers, I've arrived at an approach that is not only honorable and fair, but flawless and timely with absolutely no carbon footprint. Nor were any animals harmed in the writing of this paragraph.
I am pleased to announce that YOU, dear reader, get to play a key role going forward -- one that will take you less time than it will to order a take-out pizza.
Since I am claiming no royalties whatsoever from my past writings (many of which, by the way, went on to become blockbuster movies, novels, bumper stickers, and refrigerator magnets), I think it is only fair to request that every time you forward anything attributed to "Anonymous" you link it to this page -- a promo for my new online creativity course -- soon to be offered as a subscription service
My goal? To model what it's like to claim one's true inheritance and take the risk that this post will go viral and I will have to answer a lot of questions from slick talk show hosts more interested in their own TV ratings than my no longer anonymous success.
I am Anonymous.
No, I am Anonymous!
Posted by: Carl Frankel at May 6, 2012 08:35 AM
Carl: PS: I killed Spartacus.
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at May 6, 2012 09:26 AM
Say what?
Posted by: Rjbrent at May 6, 2012 11:01 AM
I'm negotiating with Undisclosed to play you in the movie version. I'm already shadowing you so that I can play the role better. Uncredited has been assigned as my co-star.
Posted by: Rey Carr at May 6, 2012 11:31 AM
Ray: You are my hero. Can I come to the premiere? I promise to disguise what's left of myself. I hear that Johnny Depp is also up for the role. Either way, I'm sure it will be a great movie.
The Autist Formerly Known as "Anonymous"
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at May 6, 2012 11:48 AM
I'm Spartacus
Posted by: Chris at May 6, 2012 02:07 PM
Who is the autist now? Room for more?
Posted by: Birger Pohl at May 6, 2012 03:35 PM
There's an elephant in this room somewhere...
Posted by: Ann Lovell at January 24, 2021 06:34 PM
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