A Big Clue for Meeting Facilitators
If you facilitate meetings for your company, school, volunteer organization, or team, please know that your STATE OF MIND is going to very much impact the outcomes of the meeting. If your mind is cluttered, the quality of the meetings you facilitate will be severely compromised. If you want your meetings to be more enjoyable and productive, consider these simple guidelines:
1. Always create your meeting agenda at least one day before
2. Make sure your meeting room is set up, ahead of time
3. Unplug from whatever else you are doing at least 30 minutes before.
4. If, on the way to the meeting, someone asks for "just one minute of your time," explain that you are on your way to a meeting and ask them to email their request to you. Do not get distracted!
5. Use whatever techniques you like to "clear your head" before your meeting begins (i.e. go for walk, listen to music, meditate, etc.)
6. Arrive no less than 10 minutes before your meeting begins. Settle down. Center yourself. Make sure you are ready to receive people.
PHOTO: Marion Michele, Unsplash
Idea Champions
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