Breaking the Unbreakable Barrier
As the story goes, several years ago the CEO of Dow Corning walked into his company's R&D lab and spoke two sentences: "Glass breaks," was the first. "Why don't you do something about it?" was the second. That's it. Just two sentences. Then he turned and left the room.
The R&D team, a brilliant group of inventors, was curious, but they were also skeptical. After all, at that time, one of the properties of glass was breakable, just like one of the properties of water was wet. Unbreakable glass? What? Huh? A paradox. A condundrum. A seeming impossibility. Nevertheless, the R&D team got busy and ended up creating 18 different unbreakable glass products. Three of them became commercially viable and one, the now famous Corelle line of dinnerware, became a multi-million dollar line of revenue.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: What powerful question can YOU ask your team, department, or entire organization today? What seemingly impossible breakthrough can you spark by getting people curious enough to go beyond the status quo?
The power of asking the right question
Idea Champions
My breakthrough book on storytelling
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