The Power of Context and Timing to Deliver a Memorable Message
So much of our experience of life depends on context and timing. The above video is a delightful, surprise performance of Ravel's Bolero in a shopping mall. Even for shoppers who are not aficionados of classical music, the experience was a positive one. My first experience of Bolero was not a positive one -- mainly due to the fact that I was forced to listen to it blindfolded, for 14 hours in a roomful of sweaty 18-year old boys. Here's the story.
What are you attempting to communicate these days that can be accomplished with greater impact if you tweak the context and timing of your expression of it?
Another example of the impact of context
The full story + video + Joshua Bell playing
My Bolero story excerpted from this book
About the author
The power of art to awaken - transform - and humor to make it through . . . Thanks pal - got goose bumps watching the video.
Posted by: Barbara Bash at August 7, 2018 08:18 PM
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