Learn How to Facilitate Breakthrough Brainstorming Sessions in 10 Minutes a Day
Once upon a time donut manufacturers just sold donuts and threw the donut holes away, considering them to be disposable. Then, some donut industry genius realized that donut holes were also a product and there was a market for this so-called "disposable." Voila! A new product line was born. Donut holes!
Well, the good people at Idea Champions (that's us!) have just had our own donut hole moment. Historically, we have bundled our 142-page "How to Facilitate Breakthrough Brainstorming Sessions" workbook with our train-the-trainer program. In other words, you could only get the workbook if you bought the training. Those days are over. Now we are offering our Conducting Genius workbook as a standalone, "donut hole." You don't need to buy the whole donut to get the donut hole. D'oh!
And if you decide to buy five or more of our workbooks, we will be happy to discount our 1-day, 2-day, or 3-day training by 10%. Such a deal. Workbooks are $150 each, plus shipping. For more information, contact office@ideachampions.com
PS: You get your choice of eight different workbook covers -- any combination of them you like. Scroll down to see (and up, too).
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THE IDEA FOR THIS? Val Vadeboncoeur, our Director of Training
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