A Humble Request for Your Vote
GOOD NEWS! The authors of this blog (Mitch Ditkoff and Val Vadeboncoeur) are finalists in the 2018 Business Innovation Brief MVP Awards.
Our blog post, The Ten Personas of an Effective Brainstorm Facilitator was one of seven articles chosen (out of thousands) in the category of Innovation Strategies. Whoo hoo! Now comes the fun part -- voting. That's where YOU come in. Ready?
1. Click this link.
2. Scroll to the Innovation Strategies button and click it.
3. Scroll to the sixth entry -- our "Ten Personas" article
4. Click the title if you want to read our article
5. Click the voting box (if you like the article, us, or ice cream)
6. Enter your email address on the pop-up screen.
(PS: If you don't want to be subscribed to the sponsoring website's email list, just uncheck those boxes when the pop-up window appears.)
The value to Val and I if we win this competition? Lots of recognition, free promotion, and the possibility of at least a few companies buying our book (from which the article is excerpted) or bringing us in to train their facilitators. Voting will take you less than two minutes. No hanging chads. No voter suppression. No recounts. Just Mitch and Val asking for your support.
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