BRAINSTORM TRAINING: OnSite, Online, and On-the-Fly
Do the people in your organization treat invitations to brainstorming sessions like jury duty summons? Do the ideas generated all-too-often underwhelm? Is 60 minutes all the time people have? Does group think tend to take over? If so, Idea Champions can help.
Brainstorming, in most companies, is seriously flawed, an exercise in wheel spinning, futility, and lost potential -- not because brainstorming, as a method, is flawed, but because the people who lead brainstorm sessions don't fully understand the art and science of eliciting group genius.
For the past 30 years, we've been facilitating groundbreaking ideation sessions for a wide variety of forward thinking organizations -- powerful innovation-sparking gatherings that radically increase the odds of bold, new ideas seeing the light of day. And now, we're teaching what we know to others.
Our Conducting Genius training is a highly engaging, customizable learning experience that can be adapted to fit the needs, social styles, and experience of just about any participant. And because we know that one size doesn't fit all, we're offering a wide range of training options -- onsite, online, and on-the-fly.
ONSITE: Whenever time, money, and logistics allow, we advise our clients to consider our onsite training. Past experience has shown us that learning goes deeper and lasts longer in this format. Indeed, mastering the art of brainstorm facilitation is a kind of apprenticeship -- a transfer of tacit knowledge that is best sparked live and in-person.
-- Half-day
-- One-day
-- Two-days
-- Three-days
-- Five-days
The difference between our shorter and longer trainings? The stickiness of the learning. Number of techniques taught. Time available for practice. And confidence level attained. Regardless of the duration of the training you select, all content is adapted from our Master Curriculum.)
ONLINE: If you have a distributed, maxed-out workforce that makes it difficult (or too expensive) for people to get together at the same time and place, we offer an alternative training scenario. Our online Conducting Genius training does not require travel and can be done in 90-minute increments over a TBD period of time so the people we are training have the time to practice and applying what they are learning. Includes our 142-page workbook, pre-training needs assessment, and customization.
-- Four 90-minute modules
-- Six 90-minute modules
-- Eight 90-minute minute modules
-- Twelve 90-minute modules
-- Sixteen 90-minute modules
-- Twenty-four 90 minutes modules
FOLLOW UP: You know the expression "Dying is easy. Comedy is hard?" Well, there is a training corollary to that phrase: "Training is easy. Follow-up is hard." Knowing how busy most of our clients are these days and how much support they need to internalize and apply what we teach them, we offer five ways for graduates to stay in the game. post-training.
1. Micro-Learning: An online curriculum of videos, articles, tips, tools, and techniques that we email graduates, once a week, for an entire year. Each Micro-Learning lesson takes less than ten minutes to imbibe.
2. Phone Coaching: One-on-one coaching calls to keep everyone on top of their game -- a chance to share their successes, progress, challenges, and questions, as well as receive just-in-time support from their Idea Champions Master Trainer. Group calls available.
3. Design of the Times: A chance for Conducting Genius graduates to call their Idea Champions Master Trainer anytime before facilitating a session to get the support they need to make sure they are ready for prime time.
4. Co-Facilitation: It's not uncommon for graduates of a Conducting Genius training to find themselves being asked by management to facilitate high profile client ideation sessions. For these special occasions, Idea Champions can co-facilitate with you.
5. Pinch-Hit Facilitation: If your company has been asked to facilitate a super high-level client ideation session and none of the Conducting Genius graduates feel up to task (or are unavailable), Idea Champions can pitch hit. In other words, we'll facilitate client sessions that might be too difficult or challenging for your staff facilitators.
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Blue States Digital testimonial
Mirrorball testimonial
The DNA of Our Training
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