The Art of REALLY Showing Up at a Brainstorm Session
So... you've just been invited to participate in a brainstorm session. Congratulations!
SOMEBODY out there thinks you're smart. SOMEBODY out there thinks you're creative. SOMEBODY out there thinks you can help them with... whatever. So, Congratulations! You should feel complimented, honored.
Want a bit of advice from someone who's been facilitating brainstorming sessions since 1990? (Well, you're gonna get it, anyway!) Take advantage of the opportunity!
Show up ready to give 100% of your attention to the task. Show up as if the success of the session depends on YOU... because it kind of does.
Organize your schedule so you won't have nagging issues or problems back on the job tugging at your attention. Clear your head going in. Leave your worries and title at the door. Leave your cellphone in the upright, locked position as well. Be ready for takeoff.
Bring your best focus and energy to the process. Listen to the ideas of others and see if you can piggyback on them. Come up with an improvement, or tweak, to another's idea or come up with a related idea. Heck, come up with a seemingly unrelated idea as well. Just generate ideas... one after the other.
Realize that, in a brainstorm session, the group is trying to create a LOT of ideas, at least at the start. So, if an idea comes to mind, articulate it immediately. Don't delay because of your own fear that the idea may not be big, new, or cool enough. Your idea, such as it is, may spark someone else to come up with a BIG idea. So, out with it!
Don't be a passenger or extra baggage. Lean in and help... even if it's just with your attention. Every time your mind wanders, for whatever reason, you're hurting the session. Every time you're paying attention, you're helping. So, help.
Don't be the leak in the bucket. Take pride in your own ability to originate and develop ideas. And take pleasure in helping others do the same. Expect others to be great.
Use the session as an opportunity to practice concentration. Use the session as an opportunity to practice creativity. Be open to magic happening. There's magic in several people focusing on one thing together. The key is that they're all FOCUSING on the same thing at the same time!
Be in the moment. Be present. Be playful! Have fun! Explore new possibilities!
Be the guy or gal who EVERYONE wants in their brainstorm session because you bring so much to the table... as in so much of yourself.
Val Vadeboncoeur
Brainstorm facilitation training
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