30 Ways to Know If You Have What It Really Takes to Innovate
Do you have what it takes to innovate? I'm not talking IQ, degree, or job title.
I'm talking the curious confluence of behaviors that come with the territory of being someone who turns top of the line ideas into bottom line realities.
1. You come up with great ideas in the shower and car
2. You like to stay up late... or get up early... or both
3. You're comfortable with ambiguity and chaos
4. While your ducks are rarely in a row, they're happy most of the time
5. You're not worried about failing
6. You've invited at least one friend into your personal think tank
7. You test out your ideas on just about anyone who will listen
8. You know what you don't know, but can't always explain it
9. You like making connections between things that don't go together.
10. You're open to feedback and also don't care what anybody thinks
11. Some of your friends think you're out of your mind
12. You find yourself laughing in the middle of the day for no reason
13. People get inspired around you
14. You've been known to wear two different socks
15. You feel like you're on the brink of a breakthrough a lot of the time
16. Sometimes you figure things out by talking, not thinking
17. You write notes in the margins of books
18. You like to conduct little experiments
19. You have a game plan, but it keeps changing
20. You love to immerse
21. You find ways to "work in the cracks" even when your day job dominates
21. You wish there were more hours in the day
22. Your passion to make a difference exceeds your doubt
23. You find yourself getting clues about your project in odd places
24. You feel like you're having a spiritual experience
25. You are far more organized than anyone thinks
26. You know you need a collaborator, but are picky about who
27. You have a bold vision of what success looks like
28. Your project has little to do with what your college major was
29. You're looking for someone to head up marketing and sales
30. You can think of another ten items that should be on this list
Idea Champions
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Thank you for this lighthearted but well-composed post. I would like to believe I have most of these qualities, on a good day. I think I should print it out, highlight #25 and put next to my desk for others to understand me better.
Posted by: Selina Wang at November 4, 2011 05:41 PM
Selina: Glad you liked it. Sure, print it out and post it next to your desk. Anyone of the items on the list make for good conversation starters. And it's always a good reminder for you, as well. Go for it!
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at November 4, 2011 06:22 PM
As I look at this list, I can't stop myself from thinking that I'm awesome.
Is that why you make these? To make people feel good about themselves!?
Honestly though. Either I'm a mad-genius, or a conceited-ass.
Posted by: Raymond Wold at March 18, 2015 02:47 PM
As I look at this list, I can't stop myself from thinking that I'm awesome.
Is that why you make these? To make people feel good about themselves!?
Honestly though. Either I'm a mad-genius, or a conceited-ass.
Posted by: Raymond Wold at March 18, 2015 02:48 PM
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