What IS Innovation, Anyway?
If you google "definitions of innovation," guess how many references you will get? 177,000,000! That's a whole lot of attempts at defining something most of us want, but can't quite agree on what it actually is. Obviously, there IS no single definition. Like reality, it all depends on the person and their point of view. Still, it's useful coming to terms with what you think it is -- especially if you are about to enter into some kind of "innovation sparking process" with others. So, here are 13 definitions of innovation to get the party started. Choose the one that best works for you and then contemplate it. If NONE of the choices below work for you, create your own. Then, enter into a dialogue with your colleagues or team about what innovation means to them.
"The act of introducing something new." -- The American Heritage Dictionary
"Change that creates a new dimension of performance." -- Peter Drucker
"The ability to deliver new value to a customer." -- Jose Campos
"The commercialization of creativity." -- Anonymous
"The conversion of knowledge and ideas into a benefit, which may be for commercial use or for the public good."-- Queensland (Australian) government
"The successful exploitation of new ideas." -- UK Department of Innovation and Skills
"Imaginative activity to produce outcomes that are both original and of commercial value." -- The Institute for Innovation and Information Productivity
"The transformation of idea to reality." -- Saul Shapiro
"The managed effort of an organization to develop new products, new services, or new uses for existing products or services." -- Ricky W. Griffin
"The ability to adapt, adjust, or alter that which already exists for the sake of meeting a need or adding value." -- Anonymous
"The creation, development and implementation of a new product, process or service, with the aim of improving efficiency, effectiveness, or competitive advantage." -- Government of New Zealand
"The successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization.-- Teresa Amabile
"Creating something new before people know they need it." -- Guy Kawasaki
Idea Champions
One way to spark innovation
Do you know what problem you are solving for?
Creating the Innovation Mindset
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