Changing the Center of Power from the Boardroom to the Living Room
Since 1987, Idea Champions has been delivering innovation-sparking services to a wide variety of forward thinking organizations in just about every industry on planet earth. Along the way, we have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't work in regard to helping people go beyond the status quo and enter into the kind of mindset that is conducive to meaningful change.
One of the surprising things we've learned is just how powerful storytelling is. Stories carry with them the DNA of whatever it takes for human beings to wake up, tune into their higher selves, and turn wisdom into action.
While the boardroom is one environment where storytelling can work its magic, the living room, in our experience, is the wave of the future. Which is precisely why Idea Champions is in the process of moving the center of its operations from boardroom to living room.
Yes, we will still work with movers and shakers in organizations and, yes, we will still navigate the flora and fauna of the corporate universe, but we are increasingly finding ways to bring what we do into communities. And the center of any community is the home -- the "headquarters" of the people who inhabit planet Earth -- CEO's of their own lives.
The form our service will take? Wisdom Circles -- small group gatherings of friends and neighbors who get together, from time to time, to share their most meaningful, memorable stories with each other -- stories that connect, inspire, transmit wisdom, and build community.
Our role? Not to be the "experts" or the "traveling consultants", but the ones who train people how to facilitate Wisdom Circles in their own homes. In other words, we are increasingly moving away from the "sage on the stage" model in an attempt to spark a revolution of learning, community building, and wisdom-sharing -- one story at a time.
Imagine, if you will, every night, all around the world, millions of people getting together -- in small groups -- to share the very best of what they have understood about what it means to be a human being -- in a format that honors diversity, lowers stress, builds rapport, and makes it easy for even the the most reserved people to share the very best of what they know.
Stay tuned. We are now deep in the process of developing a low-cost, online training (and support services) that will turn our story of what we want to do into reality.
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Here's what people are saying about home-based Wisdom Circles.
Idea Champions
The creator of home-based Wisdom Circles
Storytelling for the Revolution
Storytelling at Work
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