Passionate Leaders
This just in from Mohammed Azim, Head of the English Department at Al Siraat College , in Epping, Australia. Mohammed is a bright light, a dedicated team leader, and an active participant in the Team Leadership Training I am currently facilitating at the school. Mohammed is one of 35 teachers and staff members participating in a series of weekly training sessions to raise the bar for teamwork and collaboration. Al Siraat is onto something big -- and that is, tooling up their teachers and staff with the methods, mindset, tools, techniques, and practice necessary to help the teams they lead become high performing.
Lead with titles? No!
They lead with their passion.
Assign tasks? No!
They set the pace with magnetic vision.
Drive team? No!
They coach them with compassion.
Use people? No!
They develop them on every occasion.
Depend on authority? No!
On goodwill only is their station.
Say "I" mostly? No!
"We" is the sound in their oration.
Rule with their mind? No.
Heart and soul, it is; without deviation.
Fueled by commands? No!
Contagious positive energy is the sensation.
React to situations? No!
They anticipate as part of their education.
Ambitious, are they? No!
Their mission is their sole obsession.
Focused on consistency? No!
Flexibility is their take and position.
"Do the thing right"? No!
"Do the right thing" is their admission.
Great quotes on leadership
Idea Champions
Skillset vs mindset
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