Often, the Hardest Part of Giving Feedback is Knowing How to Begin
Sometimes, when we have feedback to give someone, the hardest part is knowing how to begin. The good news? There's a thousand ways to do so. The not-so-good news? Most people don't have a "go-to" way to begin and, because they don't, they procrastinate or don't set enough context which increases the odds of the receiver of feedback feeling uncomfortable or defensive. Below are some sample ways to segue into a feedback conversation. Find the one you like the most and experiment with it. Or, if none of these work, create your own.
"I loved what happened earlier today when you..... Mind if I sit down with you for a few minutes and let you know how powerful moment that was for me?"
"I wonder if you have a few minutes now to chat. I'd like to share something that's been on my mind recently."
"I learned something powerful from you yesterday when you ... Got a few minutes for me to let you know how cool that moment was?"
"When might you have five minutes today or tomorrow to talk with me? I'd like to clear the air about something that happened between us that's been troubling me."
"You, my friend, are amazing. Mind if I take a few moments now to let you know what I mean by that?"
"Is this a good time for the two of us to talk? I have some feedback that might be useful to you."
"Earlier today I noticed something in your interaction with X that caught my attention. Do you have a few minutes now to explore that moment with me?"
"I saw you do something today that really impressed me. Gotta a few minutes now for me to let you know what that was?"
"Yesterday, at our staff meeting, I noticed something that made me uncomfortable. Mind if I share my perspective with you for a few minutes?"
Why offer praise and positive feedback
25 quotes on feedback
Idea Champions
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