WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA? An Introduction to ZoomStorming
Greetings! Mitch Ditkoff here, creator of ZoomStorming, an enjoyable, creative, and productive way to generate new ideas, insights, and ahas.
More specifically, it's a 20, 40, or 60-minute creative thinking session that I facilitate, online, for people wanting a breakthrough or, at the very least, hoping to get unstuck on a meaningful project, challenge, or opportunity.
Dominoes delivers pizzas. FedEx delivers packages. ZoomStorming delivers powerful new possibilities that radically increase the odds of you tapping into your creative mojo.
WHO'S IT FOR? Homo sapiens. Anyone wanting a spark, push, or pull to take their next step or make a quantum leap. Ideal for entrepreneurs, career-changers, people in transition, writers, artists, teachers, students, caregivers, social media mavens, inventors, librarians, welders, left-handed people, Uber drivers, cooks, teenagers, tightrope walkers, and anyone else wanting to free up their creative genius in service to making a difference it the world.
1. You identify a challenge, opportunity, or project of yours that can be framed as a "How Can I?" question.
2. You email your question to me (mitch@ideachampions.com), along with a list of four days/times you are available for a session.
3. I get back to you with a confirmed date/time & the Zoom link.
4. I facilitate the session, with the aid of my online genie.
5. I email you the recording and summary of your ideas.
WHO AM I? Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions, with 33 years experience as an innovation provocateur for forward-thinking organizations. Creator of Free the Genie and Brainstorm Champions. Author of Storytelling for the Revolution. Author of Storytelling at Work. Co-Author of Conducting Genius. Creator of Wisdom Circles. Dust particle. Flake. Humorist.
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