How to Jump Start Organizational Innovation During Covid-19
Covid-19 hasn't just disrupted businesses around the world, it has also disrupted their ability to innovate. And one of the biggest reasons WHY can be traced to one simple factor: isolation.
With most people working from home and scrambling to survive, the opportunities for "thought partners" to connect with each other in meaningful ways have radically declined -- and along with it opportunities to ideate, problem solve, and think out of the box.
Pre-Covid, this was the main thrust of Idea Champions' work. We designed and facilitated a wide range of creative thinking sessions for our clients -- opportunities for them to unleash their collective brilliance and make significant progress on a specific goal, initiative, or opportunity.
Those days, at least for now, are over. Everything is virtual. Zoomified. And that is precisely why we have reinvented HOW we deliver services to our clients.
Enter Free the Genie -- the distillation of 34 years of sparking innovation for organizations in 11 different countries.
Free the Genie, quite simply, is a facilitated online brainstorming session -- a way for our clients to get a fresh look at what they do and how they do it -- a way to generate the kind of game changing ideas, mindset, and commitment required to make a quantum leap.
- Increased clarity re: the problem you're trying to solve
- A much clearer vision of the outcomes you're looking for
- A wide variety of actionable ideas
- At least one breakthrough insight or AHA
- Deeper access to your own untapped brilliance
- A dependable way to enter into a creative mindset
- Tons of positive momentum
- New tactics to use in brainstorming sessions
- Techniques to "free the genie" on your team
- Increased collaboration
Sessions are 60-90 minutes long, preceded by a 30-minute needs assessment call and 15 minutes of pre-work. Includes a free deck of Free the Genie cards.
To schedule a Free the Genie session:
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What our clients say
Idea Champions
Brainstorm Champions
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