People's Three Biggest Concerns About Enrolling in THE YEAR OF LIVING CREATIVELY
Here they are: 1) Time; 2) Money; 3) Identifying a specific project.
That's it, folks. Those are the three most common reasons why people hesitate to enroll in The Year of Living Creatively, even if they understand the value of the course and have been referred by a trusted friend.
Let's take a look at each of these concerns, one at a time, so you have all the info you need to decide whether to proceed or not:
1. TIME: Yes, I know you are busy. Yes, I know you have a lot on your plate. And yes, I know you sometimes over-commit or underestimate how much time it will take to accomplish a worthy goal. Welcome to the human race.
Will participating in The Year of Living Creatively take some time? Of course it will. Just like it takes time to tend a garden if you want a harvest at the end of the growing season. (By the way, it took JRR Tolkien 16 years to write The Lord of the Rings). All things of value take time.
So lets get specific. How much time will The Year of Living Creatively take you? Here's the breakdown, ladies and gentlemen -- the discreet elements of the course and how much time each element will require.
ZOOM CALLS: Every other week for 75 minutes. A total of 5.
SELF-INQUIRY PAGES: 15-30 minutes per week
CREATIVE PROCESS CALLS with PARTNERS: 30-45 minutes per week
AUDIO STORIES: 10-15 minutes per week
COACHING CALL with MITCH: One 60-minute call, sometime during the eight weeks of the course
-- PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP: Maybe 1-5 minutes each time to you log on. Optional
So, if you add everything up, you're looking at an average of one and a half to two hours per week. That's it. About the time to watch one Netflix video or 1/5 of your binge-watching time.
Is worth it? According to past graduates, the answer is a resounding YES.
2. MONEY: The tuition for the course is $479. That works out to $8.55 per day for 56 days or about the cost of two cappuccinos per day (though the buzz of the course lasts a lot longer). The creator and facilitator of the course, Mitch Ditkoff, will earn approximately $5,000 every time he delivers the course (or $2,500 per month). Payment plans are available. Scholarships are also available.
3. IDENTIFYING A SPECIFIC PROJECT: Some people who want to enroll in The Year of Living Creatively know exactly what kind of project they want to focus on in the course -- an idea, vision, venture, aspiration, or goal they have identified as their "passion project." Other people who want to enroll are not yet clear about their project. Perhaps they have two or three projects that are calling them. Or perhaps committing to any one of them will push some buttons -- as in "what happens if I fail"?
This is all normal stuff. No big deal. Please don't let it get in your way. If you see the value of the course, but are not yet clear about which project to take on, relax. You will receive some self-inquiry pages before the course begins to help you get clear.
-- If you already know you want to enroll in The Year of Living Creatively, there's no time like the present. As in RIGHT NOW. All you need to do is pay your $479 tuition via PayPal (projects@ideachampions.
-- If you know you want to enroll, but need to work out some kind of payment plan, contact Mitch (
-- If your enrollment in the course depends on you receiving a scholarship of some kind, click here to apply.
-- If you still have questions or concerns and want to set up a time to talk with Mitch, simple email him ( and he will get back to you ASAP.
"You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it." - Charles Buxton
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