THE YEAR OF LIVING CREATIVELY: 26 Self-Inquiry Pages for Review
Dear Ellen, Fran, Prentiss, Hugo, Patti, Greg, Patricia, Anita, Gera, Tucker, Sameer, Esra, Jawwad, Mehreen, Corrine, and Lana:
Greetings from the International Headquarters of the YEAR OF LIVING CREATIVELY -- my kitchen. What follows are the self-inquiry pages you had the option to reflect on during the two months of the course. Some of them you've worked with. Some you haven't. NOW, here they are all in one place in case you want to revisit ones you've already done or explore ones you never got to. And, at the bottom of the page are five BONUS pages -- ones you've never seen before. Oh boy!
NOTE: These self-inquiry pages are for your eyes only! Please do not forward this page to anyone. Thank you!
Frame Your Real Question
The Art of Self-Reflection
Follow Your Calling
Clarify Your Vision
You Are on a Hero's Journey
Make More Time to Create
The Practice of Creativity Is Like Gardening
The Wisdom of Beethoven
The Art of Asking for Help
Dreaming Big: Blue Sky Thinking
Four Great Videos on Creativity
On Giving and Receiving Feedback
Rumination: The Effects of Rumi's Poetry on the Creative Process
Putting the Moment Back in Momentum
The Wisdom of Frida Kahlo
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Nurture or Fracture: The Dance of Creativity in a Relationship
Steve Jobs on What It Really Takes to Be Creative
Just Say Know: It's OK to Be Ignorant, But Only for a Little While
The Wisdom of Leonardo daVinci
The Wisdom of Elon Musk
How to Change the Old Story You Keep Telling Yourself
The Wisdom of Albert Einstein
Take Some Risks
Overcoming Obstacles: Trick the Trickster
Get Out of the Box
Overview of The Year of Living Creativity course
More about the course
Big thanks to Hugo Hanson for the idea to put these all in one place!
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