Three Ways to Breathe Life Into Your Most Passionate Creative Venture
If you are on the cusp of a new venture that fills you with both excitement and doubt, welcome to the human race.
Most aspiring innovators on the brink of a breakthrough assume they need to be in a doubt-free state if they are going to succeed and that anything less is a sure sign that they are either imposters, fools or losers-in-waiting.
Not true.
The experience of doubt (and it's twin cousins, fear and dread) comes with the territory of starting a new venture. What's needed, wrote Rollo May in his extraordinary book on the topic, is courage -- the courage to create.
How will you develop the courage YOU need? In many ways.
One way to begin is to be encouraged and that, precisely, is what the following three links will help you experience.
Clarify Your Vision
Frame Your Real Question
Make More Time to Create
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Illustration #1: Samuel Zeller, Unsplash
Illustration #2: gapingvoid
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