FREE THE GENIE: Breakthrough Online Brainstorming Sessions
If you (or your team) need to get out of the box in an engaging way in order to originate bold, new, actionable ideas, keep reading.
This is precisely why Idea Champions has created Free the Genie -- a simple, affordable, time-efficient way for aspiring innovators to put their heads together to go beyond the status quo.
The service we've created is the distillation of 34 years of being innovation provocateurs for a wide variety of forward thinking organizations.
Bottom line, we've extracted the essence of three decades worth of real world experience and are making it available, online, to you and your team. In effect, we become the online catalysts of your creative process, greatly increasing the odds of you and your team tapping into its collective brilliance.
What people are saying about it.
It's fun. It's simple. And it works. Here's a simple (free) way to get started.
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