How to Go Beyond the Team Leader Overload Syndrome
Most team leaders often find themselves overloaded and overwhelmed. "Too much to do and not enough time," is their mantra. And here's why:
1. They haven't established clear expectations with their team
2. They don't totally trust the people they lead
3. They haven't communicated their role to team members
4. They want everyone to like them
5. They don't know how to delegate
6. They have unclear boundaries
7. They are addicted to rescuing people
8. They think their way is the best way
9. They are impatient for results
10. They don't know how to empower others
Not good for business. Not good for the team. And not good for the health of the team leader. But it doesn't have to be that way. And the "fix" is way simpler than you think.
Next time a member or your team tries to dump a problem at your feet, shirks responsibility, or wants you to "save the day," STOP and ask yourself any of the following questions:
1. "Who's problem is this, really?"
2. "How can this issue be framed as a HOW CAN I question?"
3. "Does this person understand what I expect of them?"
4. "Is this person clear about their roles and responsibilities?"
5. "Do I have the time and interest to take on this project?"
6. "If I do have time, what support can I offer?"
7. "Who else, on the team, might be able to help with this?"
8. "How can I empower this person to own the project?"
9. "How can I let the person do it their way?"
10."What's the simplest thing I can do to lend support?"
PS: Leadership doesn't mean doing everything yourself. Leadership means helping other people lead -- and take ownership for results.
Idea Champions
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