The Heart of the Matter
June 25, 2010
Prem Rawat in Italy

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On June 22nd, Prem Rawat (aka Maharaji) was honored by local leaders, citizens and officials at Garibaldi Piazza in Sandrio, Italy. Here is an excerpt from his address:

"The desire to find peace is in the heart of every human being. Peace is not a state in which you become a vegetable. It's not a flower painting. It's not two fingers held high.

What is peace -- when you are close to that god that resides in you, that reality that resides in you?

People want progress. People want prosperity. What is prosperity? A few years ago, U.S. economics was the best. A few years later, it's not so good. Turns out, the profits were made up.

It seems when a whole bunch of people come together and decide to lie, it is all of a sudden socially acceptable, and it becomes the truth.

That's not truth. You want to know what truth is? Then turn to your self. Look in your heart and you will know what truth is.

Peace is not a social thing. Peace is the lamp that is lit inside of you. The lamp of understanding. The lamp of clarity. The lamp of knowledge. The lamp that has the power to remove the darkness.

That's what knowledge is -- to know. To know. Not to guess. Not to debate. But see the obviousness of every single living human being on the face of this earth and understand that they are not any different than you.

You, like everyone else, has that quest to be fulfilled in this life. If peace is what we want, we can have it. If we can go to the moon, we can have peace. Peace is not impossible.

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A lot of people said to go to the moon -- it could not be done. A trip to the moon was made successful by the efforts of the people who said, "It can be done."

You being here represent, hopefully, those people who say, "Peace is possible." Not, "Peace is impossible, and here are the reasons."

I have met people who are very poor and very rich. Each time, it is the same thing. "I want peace in my life."

If each one of us can be that lamp that is lit, lit with knowledge, lit with understanding, lit with clarity, then we hold the potential to light and unlimited amount of unlit lamps. That's the possibility.

One lit lamp can light countless unlit lamps. Not only is it possible, but it begins with you -- the search within your heart.

The first step is to begin to have access to your heart. It is in the depths of your heart that lies the thirst that will lead you to the well. The thirsty can understand the value of water. The hungry can understand the value of food. And you need to feel that thirst in your life that dwells inside you.

Thanks to for posting this today


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at June 25, 2010 02:50 AM

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