The Heart of the Matter
August 27, 2010
Maharaji in Woodstock, Part 3


This just in from Mary Anne and Richard Erickson, long time Woodstock residents and owners of the fabulous Blue Mountain Bistro Catering Company right outside of town.

"What a treat to finally meet Maharaji after hearing about him for years!

We were moved by the joy and love that permeated the room even before he stepped on stage. So much love in our small community and eager faces, beings, waiting to hear his words -- experience his presence.

The introductory video was profoundly moving, sharing stories of those who have faced tremendous challenges and with his gift of 'Knowledge' were able to access the love inside -- and still shine.

Maharaji was a delight!

His simple presentation struck me as very direct and to the point: everything you seek 'out there' lives inside you now.

He spoke of the same things I've heard from other spiritual teachers, but in the manner of someone of our culture. No bells and whistles. No hocus pocus. No special wardrobe needed. No money involved. 'This is free", he said! 'Really?' I thought. 'That's impressive!' You mean no one is going to try to register me into a class to learn this?


So yes, now I am curious -- to know more.

Thanks to those who worked diligently to bring Maharaji to Woodstock. May his visit bless the town and bring us more peace within and amongst ourselves."

Mary Anne and Richard Erickson


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at August 27, 2010 11:52 AM


It's so nice to hear Ur impressions. Thanks

Posted by: henryw [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 27, 2010 04:33 PM

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