The Heart of the Matter
August 28, 2010
Maharaji in Woodstock, Part 4


It's two days after Maharaji spoke to 355 people at the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock, NY and the stream of positive responses just keeps flowing. This one is from Deborah Cohen.

"I came to the event with the thought 'This probably isn't for me, but I love my friend, Joan, I love her space, and I am curious about what she would love about this'.

I knew my thoughts weren't a good test for reality, but nonetheless there they were! And yet, I was totally surprised and delighted by the event. The video moved me to tears. I thought, 'Yes, I want that!' That peace... it is what I have been seeking.

I loved Maharaji. He is delightful, charming, and penetrates to the essence. Six billion reasons for peace. That is my life.

The Keys he talks about seem to be compatible with any system, belief, or culture, I love that it is given freely.

I loved the warmth and love that was present. I loved that there is a simple system to follow at your own speed. I am already taking the steps to start the Keys process. Thank you!"


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at August 28, 2010 01:16 AM



Just a word or two before Maharaji's event in Woodstock takes a back seat in my mind.

First of all, congratulations to you and Joan for making it happen! I know it's been a long-time and deep desire for the both of you to present Maharaji to your friends and community in Woodstock. You guys must be feeling a wonderfully well-deserved inner joy and satisfaction at finally having it happen. Great job!

About the event: I was very impressed by the apparent seamlessness of the evening. Aside from my love of Satsang, I'm fascinated by presentation and delivery! The staff appeared to be focused and relaxed (an ideal combo!), and that lead to us all feeling very welcomed. I'm sure that's exactly the way Maharaji wanted it to be! I have a good idea as to what it takes to do these things right (as well as to do them 'not so right'), and it's not always as easy as it seems to the casual observer. It's a little different presenting your Teacher than presenting an entertainment act. Whole different dynamic. I thought everybody was great!

The video was very powerful! The people in it came across as very real and authentic. And so easy to identify with. What they shared concerns the fears that most of us harbor regarding our own mortality- and the well-being of those we love. Their ability to convey what these experiences are like when you have Grace in your life were delivered loud and clear! After a while I get very suspiscious of people giving testimonies that feel like sales pitches to convince me to follow their path. This video wasn't like that.

As for Maharaji, I really enjoyed being with him once again*. It was wonderful seeing him and hearing his beautiful and timeless words. I loved that he sat in front of a microphone in a modest chair- with no flowers, incense, photos, fancy rugs, or any other items that might distract us from hearing what he had to say. He eliminated almost every item that we could possibly use to go off into our own worlds and not hear his message. There appeared to be quotations from some of the 'usual suspects'... personalities and holy books- but Maharaji delivered them from his own experience and did so with the confidence to take ownership of their truth. His attire was elegant, professional and totally appropriate! No trappings! I'm very appreciative of his absorbtion of western culture and the simple 'no frills' approach to his presentation. You have to look very closely to see the roots of the ancient mystical tradition standing behind him.

So, thank you for seeing to it that we all got this opportunity. You and I know that nothing compares to even a few minutes in the company of teachers like Maharaji. Nobody walks away without taking something of great value with them. Maharaji reminded me once again what is really important in my life. To tend the garden well, and see to it that only the best plants are allowed to grow there. And of course, to never lose sight of what's truly important within us. I would say it was an evening very well spent!

*In 1971 I was able to spend a little time with Maharaji when he first came to this country. He was a 'mere boy' of 13 then, but I could see that he had something very special. That was just after returning from my first visit to India.

Posted by: ron brent [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 30, 2010 02:36 AM

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