The Heart of the Matter
March 22, 2020
A Dream about Storytelling


I had a wonderful dream last night. I was in my hometown (wherever that was) and felt a need to go to the local library. When I walked in, I noticed that Prem Rawat was sitting at a low table with four children and reading them a story. I was very excited to see him, but didn't want to disturb the moment and call attention to myself, so I sat down at a nearby table, doing my best to be casual and not stare in his direction. Prem immediately looked up from his book, smiled, and waved to me. I smiled and waved back, feeling very, very happy, as he continued reading. Then, the four kids he was reading to stood up and started dancing. I stood up, too, joined them, and started dancing as well -- all of us together. Not wanting to tower over the kids, I bent my knees so I would be the same height as the childen, thinking, "I'm really just a big kid."

Then Prem stood up, walked over to me and began showing me the story, page by page. The writing, I could see, was in Italian and I realized it was a children's book he had written six months ago -- one I had never read. I mentioned that to Prem and he just smiled, continuing to turn the pages. Then it was time to go. So I left.

One reason why storytelling matters to children
A six-year old loves outer space
Helping children understand the moral of a story
PHOTO: Courtesy of TimelessToday

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at March 22, 2020 06:06 PM

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