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May 25, 2008"Forgiveness is the fragrance flowers give off when they have been trampled on."
Is there anyone you need to forgive?
Is there any way you can forgive this person today? This week?
Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for? And if so, when will you do it?
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at May 25, 2008 12:21 AM
I like the "3 R's" concept of forgiving, especially if the action is severe enough:
First, the person asking my forgiveness should feel REGRET.
And finally, offer to REPAIR.
No excuse, no discussions.
Otherwise, I can let go, sure, but not so big on forgiving in some cases. A delicate topic indeed.
Posted by: Deece48 at June 8, 2008 09:44 AM
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