"The Business of Life is not a Life of Business."
Yes, it's true. The business of life is not a life of business. And only when you realize that, will your business (and your life) really flourish.
While multi-tracking has become extremely fashionable this century, remember that you only take one breath at a time -- not several. Life happens in this moment -- not the next or the last.
And while it may be your noble intention to work your tush off to provide for your family or build a nest egg or prepare for your retirement, the fact remains that these noble intentions often seduce us into getting WAY out of balance.
What IS the business of life?
Love... gratitude... consciousness.... giving and receiving... trust... freedom... feeling... learning... service... enjoyment... and really BEING a human being -- the state of mind where prophets mean at least as much to us as profits.
Money comes and money goes, but true fulfillment is forever.
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