"Not everything that counts can be counted; and not everything that can be counted counts." (Albert Einstein)
Some things we can measure. Some things we can't. And just because we can measure something doesn't make it more real or significant. Einstein knew this. There was always the "X factor" for him -- mystery, the unknown, the divine, and the impossible to quantify.
That's why he used to conduct "thought experiments" in his lab -- times when he turned away from the blackboard with all those exotic formulas and simply daydreamed -- letting the intuitive side of him take over for a change.
Hmmm... what might YOU be attempting to quantify or measure that would best be left alone? What might you be needing to TRUST that abides outside the boundaries of the rational, logical, analytical, scientific mind?
We need to embrace boredom more often, especially in the US, me thinks.
Old Al sure left some great suggestions for us.
Posted by: Deece48 at June 8, 2008 09:47 AM
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Posted by: Pooja Sharma at September 21, 2015 07:32 AM
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Weekend getaways from delhi, visit http://resorts.neardelhi.in/weekend-getaway.html
Hill stations near delhi for weekend, visit http://resorts.neardelhi.in/hill-stations-near-delhi.html
Day outing near delhi, visit http://resorts.neardelhi.in/picnic-spots.html
Resorts near Jaipur for holidays, visit http://resorts.neardelhi.in/jaipur-resorts.html
Wedding venues near Delhi, http://resorts.neardelhi.in/wedding-venues-delhi.html
Posted by: Pooja Sharma at September 21, 2015 07:33 AM
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