"When a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are pockets."
"Motivation," explains psychologists, "affects perception."
In other words, you tend to SEE what your mind is preoccupied with. If you're driving through a town and you're hungry, you'll see the restaurants.
If you're running out of gas, you'll see the gas stations. If someone you love is dying, chances are good you'll see the funeral homes.
What's motivating YOU today? What lens might you be looking through? And what if you could remove that lens -- such that your experience of life was not skewed or limited or filtered?
What if your motivation was joy? What if your motivation was service... or love... or forgiveness? Might you not see the world in new ways?
If, upon seeing a saint, you saw love instead of pockets, possibility instead of doubt, how might your experience of life change for the better?
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Posted by: Sunrise Resort at May 12, 2015 03:01 AM
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