20 Ways to Introduce Maharaji to a Friend, Relative, or Neighbor
The act of introducing people to Maharaji and his gift of Knowledge is a curious challenge.
On one hand, some people are wide-open and experience his message to be very compelling. On the other hand, some find his message intriguing, but not necessarily for them. Still others are downight skeptical, believing it's too good to be true.
Clearly, there's no right way to introduce Maharaji. One size does not fit all.
For some people, seeing Maharaji, in person, is the best way to go. For others, viewing DVDs is the ticket. Still others prefer reading his words or listening to friends tell stories of their time with him. Or something else...
If YOU are interested in introducing Maharaji to somebody else and have a 15 minutes to explore a few new options, click below..
The links below will take you to a variety of introductory-type content -- most of which has been published on this blog in the past six months: youtube videos, personal stories, mini-essays, inspiring images, metaphorical bridges, and selected excerpts from Maharaji's talks.
I'm guessing that SOMETHING from this list will speak to you and, more importantly, speak to your family, friends and neighbors. All you need to do is choose... then forward the link you select, as inspired.
If nothing speaks to you, take a moment to reflect on how else you might introduce someone to Maharaji and Knowledge. After all, a while ago, SOMEONE introduced you. Right? Now it's your turn to return the favor...
"If not YOU, who? If not NOW, when?"
VIDEO: The Inner Game of Life
The Book I Wanted to Buy My Mother
VIDEO: An Interview with Maharaji
34 Reasons Why I Like Being With Maharaji
VIDEO: What Is Maharaji's Role?
The Temple of Your Heart
VIDEO: Give Peace a Chance
Being Shown the River Where the Fish Are Swimming
At the Threshold
No Word for Thesaurus
PS: There's still time to respond to the Heart of the Matter poll. If you have any input or feedback, here's a simple way to do it. Takes 4 minutes.
Photo from CatEye's photostream on Flickr
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