Maharaji in India: Part 3
What follows are Loring Baker's reflections on the third day of Maharaji's event in New Delhi...
"The joy of service." That phrase keeps playing in my head.
Yesterday was the last day of the event. Maharaji's focus was on the people getting ready to receive Knowledge. For each of the past three days the field was full of 50,000 people, but yesterday's audience seemed younger and even more joyous. A contagion of dancing broke out after he left the stage. Although my feet weren't moving much, my happiness couldn't help but bounce along with the dancers.
All good. All very good. Big huge smiles on everyone.
Walking back from the event though the grounds, along the palm-lined boulevard, past the rose gardens, this evolving verdant citadel Maharaji has created within the chaos of Delhi spoke to the transformational power of joy.
This place has been built out of people's happiness, for people's happiness -- and for no other reason.
Dear friends, possibilities abound! What can't we do if our cup is full? Possibilities abound more than we let ourselves imagine.
"It only gets better," he says.
I have the feeling it's going to get a whole lot better.
Photo courtesy of Inner Nomads
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