Maharaji in India: Part 2
RAJ VIDYA KENDER, Delhi: 11/10/09
This just in from Loring Baker, onsite at Maharaji's events in India...
I just got back from dinner after the event this afternoon. I am staying with an American man I do business with who lives in Delhi with his wife, the Belgian Consul. They both came to the event today (the public was invited).
I could feel Maharaji winning them over (along with me and everyone else) without a fight -- just simple generosity. Like a master Maitre D' welcoming his guests, Maharaji seemed to be saying, "So happy you could come. No pretensions are needed here -- please just enjoy the meal."
And really, what a unique meal it is. You start enjoying it without even having to open your mouth!
As Maharaji spoke about nature extracting fresh water from the ocean to make clouds that, in turn, feed a seed that has waited years to sprout, I had to tilt my head back slightly to keep the tears inside the cup.
These tears weren't tears of emotion, joy, or catharsis. They were tears of pure refreshment -- a spring rain of tears, unlocking the fragrance of the earth present a moment before, but hidden.
Maharaji ended his talk with an offer, "Go look! If you can't find it, come to me. I can give you peace. No money is required, just love."
Hmmm... love for peace... a quality exchange to be sure.
Anyone at the event today could tell this wasn't a flippant offer, nor was it one to accept un-self-aware. What Maharaji is talking about is the big league market place where great rewards are waiting. Not a bad place to hang out and learn. Not a bad place to make the deal of a lifetime!
Click below for a 7-minute video of Maharaji speaking in Madras, India last year.
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