POLL RESULTS: Heart of the Matter Readers Share Their Feedback
Two weeks ago I posted a poll on this blog, asking readers for feedback. 77 people responded. What follows is a summary of the results, my reflections on the data, and an invitation for YOU to participate in the ongoing growth of the Heart of the Matter. Click the link below for more...
About Heart of the Matter Readers...
96% have received the techniques of Knowledge
96% participate in Maharaji's work in some way
88% have attended one of Maharaji's events in the past year
83% would like to see more reports of Maharaji's events
68% have forwarded at least one posting to a friend
67% log on at least twice a week
63% would buy the book version of the blog for someone else
60% would buy the book version of the blog for themselves
59% live in the United States
Here's the ratings of what the 77 respondents value on the blog (based on a 1-5 scale, with "5" being the highest).
4.57 Reports on Maharaji's events from around the world
4.48 Short videos of Maharaji
4.40 Excerpts from Maharaji's talks
4.23 Stories of my interactions with Maharaji
4.10 Inspiring quotes from a variety of sources
4.09 Poetry of Kabir, Rumi, Hafiz and other ecstatic poets
4.09 Interviews with people who have recently received Knowledge
3.93 Humorous essays
3.92 Classic teaching stories (i.e Sufi/Zen tales)
3.51 My own poetry
And so...
1. I'll feature more reports/excerpts from Maharaji's events.
2. If you're going to an event and want to submit a report, let me know and I'll send you the guidelines.
3. Send me: links to short videos of M that you like, photos from events (of the people attending), your favorite poems of Rumi, Kabir & Hafiz, and other inspiring quotes.
4. I'll post more stories of my past interactions with M (and hope for more soon so I have something fresh to write about).
5. I'll post less of my poetry or format it as prose. (If you want to buy my poetry book, click here.)
6. If I decide to publish postings from this blog as a book, I will let you know.
7. If you like the content of Heart of the Matter, click on the archives (located in the blog sidebar). There's a lot of goodies there you probably haven't seen.
8. If you receive email alerts about this blog, be sure to click on the HEADLINE of each alert to view the entire posting. (Email alerts are just "teasers" and don't always contain the full content of a blog posting... or the video link.)
9. The URL for Heart of the Matter is www.ideachampions.com/heart
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