Prisoner of Love
I am a prisoner of love, completely captive, bird whose wings wish only to fan the face of his Beloved. What need have I to fly? Where in this world can I go? Bound with the invisible thread of devotion, I pace my inner courtyard, rave silently beneath a local moon and wait for his return. To call this a jail is a lie when all I want to do is crawl further in, dig my tunnel deeper to the one forever guarding me.
A prisoner of love, yes, that's what I am!
Howling at the half moon, screaming for the full, I turn my self in, keep turning myself in and in and in to the only one worth being in love and alone with. Why dream of other times and places when the one who has the key is knocking at your door?
Love it!!!
Posted by: j bhutu-ji at March 22, 2009 12:45 AM
Who wrote these passionate feelings?
I want to know her/him. i wish to call her/him.
Thank you
Posted by: marie-jose madeleine at April 19, 2009 04:09 AM
Marie-Jose. Thanks for your kind acknowledgment. Who wrote those passionate feelings? Me. The author of this blog. Mitch Ditkoff.
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at April 19, 2009 05:44 AM
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