ASK YOURSELF THIS: "What Can I Do to Help?"
No matter what path you're on, used to be on, think about being on, can't remember you're on... or disbelieve there is any such thing as a "path," the question always remains the same:
"What can I do to help?"
In other words, how can you participate on planet Earth in a way that serves? Certainly, there must be something you can do to go beyond yourself and make a contribution.
In the end, it doesn't really matter what form your effort takes, as long as you are authentically stepping up to the plate and giving it your best to pitch in.
Maybe your effort to serve will have something to do with a "cause" or a Master. Maybe not. If you have a Master, maybe he or she is living. Maybe not. Maybe your Master is Maharaji... or Gurumayi... or the 17th Karmapa... or Thich Nhat Hanh... or Neem Karoli Baba... or Yogananda... or Buddha... or Lao Tzu... or Jesus... or countless other great souls who, from the beginning of time, have been reminding human beings about what's really important in this life.
Yes, the way they've communicated this message has differed, but the essence of the message has always been the same:
What you are searching for is already within you -- and you can experience it. Indeed, that's what you're here for.
Once you've experienced it -- no matter what adjective you use to describe it, it's time to give back -- time to participate... time to serve.
Or, as Bob Dylan once said, "You've got to serve somebody..."
No need to wait, like some wallflower at the High School prom, to be asked. Now's the time.
Start dancing!
Well said, and nicely put.
I wonder if all those who created those institutions, in name of all this wonderful beings who came to remind, and teach the people of their time -what Ur looking for- it's with in U; would like this exposure. It sort of eliminates their need to operate and collect...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Not good for business......(for PR sake don't publish)
Posted by: henryw at March 20, 2009 01:22 AM
Thank you for reminding me to participate on this beautiful planet Earth. It is amazing how much we each have to offer and often we just don't even take a moment to realize. I help with abdandoned cats on the beach. We work with the City to spay, neuter, vaccinate and then release. The cats are fed daily. I have named each one and look forward to checking in with them on my scheduled day. Every so often one of the cats needs Vet help. I have found that even though they are ferrals they will come up to be taken in for medical help. It blows me away. On the occasions where the medical care is too costly and they are too far gone, they are put to sleep. At that point, I know the cat felt loved and comforted. I have many other areas where I participated and it feels so good!!!! SA - Hollywood
Posted by: Susan at March 20, 2009 06:49 AM
isn't it the case, however, that if one takes the time to FEEL FULFILLED through practice, opportunities, or even thoughts about service present themselves, and it is not necessary to think about it (What should i do today??)?. if our service is ultimately to help others find inner fulfillment through practice, then during the process of simply taking care of ourselves, won't we encounter countless opportunities to share this message with others, in the grocery store, in the corn field, on the bus etc.....??? i guess that might be a problem if you live alone in the wilderness.......
Posted by: sanfranciscojim1 at March 20, 2009 12:40 PM
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