Bleeding Hearts at 8:07
My daughter's school bus comes at 8:07 every morning -- at an intersection just 500 feet from our house. Today, at 8:00 AM, she asked me if I would drive her to the bus stop.
"But Mimi," I said, "it's a perfectly beautiful Spring day and your bus stop is only 500 feet away."
She paused, gathering the many forces at her disposal almost all the time.
"But Daddy," she replied, "I want to be with you."
Helpless to be logical in the presence of a present 12-year old, I told her I'd be "right there," fetched my sweater, grabbed my car keys and drove to the bus stop.
She was already there, smiling, and hopped in the car.
Then she opened her hand and showed me a pink bleeding heart she had just plucked from a bush.
"Look, Daddy, it's two perfect hearts... And if you look closely, you can see a tiny, tiny drop of water between them."
More inspiration
I was searching for *BLEEDING HEART* in google hoping to find a gloomy gory image to post to my facebook to match my mood. What I found was this picture of bleeding hearts. And healing.
Posted by: Renee Vanwyk at August 7, 2010 06:36 AM
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