The Heart of the Matter
May 13, 2009
Mimi and Mahatma-Ji


For the past two days, my wife Evelyne and I have had the good fortune of hosting Charananand at our home, in Woodstock, New York. (He's been here to speak at an introductory program featuring the message of Prem Rawat.)

Last night, about an hour before he left for the event, Mahatma-ji saw our 12-year old daughter, Mimi, reading a book on the couch in the living room. With great respect, he approached.

"Mimi," he said," what is more important, money or life?"

Mimi looked up from her book and smiled. "Life," she said.

"That's right," Mahatma-ji replied. "And what is the most important thing in life?"

She thought for a moment. "Friendship."

Mahatma-ji paused, then asked why friendship was important to her.

"Because friends are nice and loving," Mimi replied.

"And friends make you feel... what?" responded Mahatma-ji.

"Happy!" said Mimi.

"Ah," Mahatma-ji said. "Then happiness is the most important thing in life. Yes?"

Mimi smiled and agreed. Then the two of them just looked at each other for a few seconds.

I found this exchange completely fascinating.

That Charananand would take the time -- getting ready as he was for the intro program -- to engage my 12-year old daughter in a very nuanced conversation about life was completely delightful.

His exchange with her was spontaneous, diamond-like, and timeless. He wasn't preaching. He wasn't moralizing. He wasn't trying to teach her a thing. He was just being with her and letting the moment evolve.

As I watched, I saw how two minutes of conversation, inspired by genuine curiosity and a heartfelt desire to share the truth, can make a huge difference in a person's life. (Mimi's and mine.)

Later that night, as I was putting Mimi to bed and attempting to summarize her moment with Charananand, she corrected me three times. My recollection of their conversation was a bit fuzzy, but she remembered every single word.

What I'm learning these days is this: it's the small moments that count -- the stuff I all too often miss on my way to "something important."

Life is happening now. The moment of truth is happening now. The chance to give and receive is happening now. The miracle of life is happening now.

PS: 82 people attended the Woodstock intro event. And that included 40 guests. Prem, if you're reading this, please know that Woodstock is ripe for a visit from you and we all love you very much.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at May 13, 2009 03:53 AM

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