The Heart of the Matter
May 30, 2009
In Plain Sight

This 3D animation, by Joel Metzger, is quite lovely -- a simple story that communicates the basic need we all have to discover what often seems hidden from sight. Joel worked on this project for a year and "would love to see everyone expressing their best discoveries in their own medium." Well then, what IS your medium? And how can you use it more effectively to help make visible that which often seems hidden from sight?

Plain Sight from Joel Metzger / JoelM3DM on Vimeo.

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Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at May 30, 2009 03:21 AM


Thanks, Mitch! Yep, I have a few more movie ideas and I want to talk about my best discoveries. I have a lot to talk about! They will all be on my website: -- Joel

Posted by: Joel [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 30, 2009 06:15 AM

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