52 Reasons Why People Like Being with Maharaji
A year ago, on this blog, I posted 34 reasons why I like being with Maharaji -- my attempt to communicate some of the impact that seeing him, real-time, has on me.
At the end of the post, I asked readers to add their own reasons. Eleven people responded.
What follows is my original list and the additional comments of the readers who responded.
Feel free to add your own...
34 Reasons Why I Like Being with Maharaji
1. I breathe more deeply
2. It becomes very easy to savor every moment
3. I stop judging myself and everyone else
4. Time slows down
5. I listen from a still place inside me
6. I feel like I'm dancing when I walk -- or at least, gliding
7. I laugh uncontrollably
8. I cry tears of joy
9. I stop worrying
10. I like what I see when I look in the mirror
11. I have a lot more fun than usual
12. I experience timelessness
13. Everything seems perfect just the way it is
14. I let go of being self-conscious
15. I feel like I'm being massaged from the inside out
16. I move in tune with a hidden music
17. I see how peace is possible for the entire planet
18. I feel like he's talking just to me
19. I am grateful for everything
20. I want to serve
21. I feel whole and complete
22. I feel a vast spaciousness
23. I live in the present moment
24. Everything is profoundly simple
25. I rededicate myself to the practice of Knowledge
26. I stop trying to improve myself
27. I lose my need to gain anyone's approval
28. I am content
29. I come from my heart, not my head
30. Life feels like a party
31. I let things come to me -- and they do
32. I feel more authentic
33. I realize I have no problems
34. I feel like I'm totally home
Why HEART OF THE MATTER readers like being with Maharaji
35. I always leave loving myself a little more. - Candice Wilmore
36. It's incredibly great being around a lot of other people who are also feeling 1-34. - Steve Kowarsky
37. I feel my Heart come alive. - Mka
38. I wake up from the core of my being. - Alan Roettinger
39. I feel like the luckiest person on earth. - Alan Roettinger
40. I realize how much I've missed him. - Alan Roettinger
41. I forget about everything I've missed out on. - Alan Roettinger
42. I get to spend some time with the best friend I will ever have. - Alan Roettinger
43. I am in awe at consciousness & clarity. - Chris Tardieu
44. I am transported back into the ocean of joy, love and strength dwelling within me. Fearlessness presides as magic filled with gratitude resumes as my guide. - Amy S.
45. Magic fills the air and my heart and the hearts of others! I love seeing the Light in their eyes and the smiles on their beatific faces! -Jon Lloyd
48. The silence within me is breathtaking. - Asiebhan
49. I get cleansed of the dirt of the mind. - Asiebhan
50. I get to laugh a lot. - Asiebhan
51. Sometimes, I am completely overwhelmed by an awareness of the possibility of what it means to be a human being and how far short of that potential I fall in my life. Then to hear him beckoning me to join him on this journey of self-fulfillment despite my shortcomings is almost too much to take. Is this what friendship and unconditional love are about? Is this how gratitude unfolds to heal the wounds of a broken heart? Is this the recognition of how fortunate I am to have witnessed the Master and felt the touch of his love in my life? Words are poor substitutes to describe what I am trying to express. - G.S.Smith
52. He has given me 20/20 vision of the heart. - Gaz
I wasn't able to come to this event, Mitch, but I sure heard about it and some of that thanks to your blog, so DANKE.
I had such fun hearing about what it was like. Even though there's never anything "new" it's always unique, can never be duplicated and yes, the most fun ever.
So for #35 on this list, I'll add:
I always leave loving myself a little more.
Posted by: Deece48 at June 9, 2008 09:42 AM
35. It's incredibly great being around a lot of other people who are also feeling 1-34.
Posted by: Steve K at June 9, 2008 11:00 AM
I feel my Heart come alive
Posted by: Mka at June 9, 2008 07:05 PM
#38 I wake up from the core of my being.
#39 I feel like the luckiest person on earth.
#40 I realize how much I've missed him.
#41 I forget about everything I've missed out on.
#42 I get to spend some time with the best friend I will ever have.
Posted by: AlanR at June 9, 2008 08:21 PM
#43 I am in awe at consciousness & clarity
Posted by: Chris at June 10, 2008 12:59 AM
I am transported back into the ocean of joy, love and strength dwelling within me. Fearlessness presides as magic filled with gratitude resumes as my guide.
Posted by: amys at June 11, 2008 01:14 AM
Magic fills the air and my heart and the hearts of others! I love seeing the Light in their eyes and the smiles on their beatific faces!
Posted by: j bhutu-ji at June 19, 2008 03:34 AM
#48 The silence within me is breathtaking
#49 I get cleansed of the dirt of the mind
#50 I get to laugh a lot
#51 I get teased a lot too :)
Posted by: asiebhan at June 26, 2008 09:47 PM
It is always so special to be with him.
Posted by: lor at December 6, 2008 08:12 AM
Sometimes, I am completely overwhelmed by an awareness of the possibility of what it means to be a human being and how far short of that potential I fall in my life. Then to hear him beckoning me to join him on this journey of self-fulfillment despite my shortcomings is almost too much to take. Is this what friendship and unconditional love are about? Is this how gratitude unfolds to heal the wounds of a broken heart? Is this the recognition of how fortunate I am to have witnessed the Master and felt the touch of his love in my life? Words are poor substitutes to describe what I am trying to express.
Posted by: Gssmith at December 9, 2008 10:46 AM
thank you maharaji,you have made me feel so comftable Gaz thank you maharaji you have given me 20/20 vision of the heart Chris wisper
Posted by: gaz at January 9, 2009 08:04 AM
Being with Maharaji is one of the best experiences in my life, aside from practicing Knowledge, but the two really go hand in hand. Out of all the things I do; dancing, listening to music, going to dance performances...out of all of it, Practicing, being with Maharaji and helping to spread his message is the BEST!!! The absolute BEST!!!
Posted by: Avalon at July 14, 2009 12:28 AM
It just feel so THE right and place to be... No doubt !!
And no doubt feels so good.
Posted by: Luciem at July 14, 2009 05:02 AM
Hi Mitch,
This post has brought back the feeling of being connected to the experience within. Maharaji's creates a space for us to be in touch with the most valuable thing in the world. Rumi said "the heart is like a candle waiting to be lit". The impact of being with Maharaji's is having my heart light up with joy and gratitude.
Michael Duhaney
Posted by: Michael Duhaney at July 14, 2009 09:52 AM
Why do I like being with Maharaji?
For 30 years I have been listening to his message and practicing his gift of Knowledge. I have felt lost many times in my life and it is only his voice that captures my attention and makes me feel hope again. In his presence, I have laughed and cried at the same time, out of deep joy and gratitude. I care for my life and the life of all living things more now than I did before becoming his student. He is my compass, my captain, my friend, my teacher, and he is the truest humanitarian leader walking on this earth. When I am with him, he assures me that I have never been apart from him. I feel completely relaxed in his company...as if I have arrived home to be with my father and best friend. When I attend his events I feel at peace within myself. I sit back and listen, feel, laugh and rejoice that I have been fortunate enough to meet this very dear man. He is as much the gift as his gift of Knowledge is to me. I adore him.
Posted by: Kim at July 14, 2009 08:56 PM
# 53- By talking to my heart, he echoes the divinity within me.
# 54- He transforms me.
# 55- He is like a harbor on a tumultuous sea
# 56- At events he is "une escale" in the Odissey that is my life, a harbor where he fills me and prepares me for the next segment up to the next event.
# 57- Like a flower, he cleans the weeds off me, he waters me.
# 58- He blesses me
# 59- He garlands me
# 60- He gives me the opportunity to thank him in person.
# 61- He satisfies my longing
# 62- He makes me realise that I am only one of a million others that love him more than me
I could go on and on and on
Posted by: Alain L at July 15, 2009 01:11 AM
I love the guy. Being with him is a joy and I am reminded time and time again how very fortunate I am to be breathing and experiencing this amazing life. I get a kick out of laughing with him. Being filled with gratitude and appreciation is a wonderful feeling. Listening to him provides me with clear and concise guidance, direction and care. He quenches my thirst.
Posted by: Kay at July 15, 2009 03:09 PM
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