The Heart of the Matter
July 07, 2009
Open Sesame

A couple of days ago, I tried to unlock my car door with my cell phone.

There I was, standing in a parking lot, pushing a random button that had nothing to do with my car, and wondering why the door wouldn't open.

At that moment in time, all technologies converged and what I was doing -- push after push after push -- somehow made perfect sense.

After finding my keys and pushing the right remote, it dawned on me that I WANT ONE DEVICE THAT OPENS EVERYTHING: the car door, the garage door, the TV, DVD, VCR, ATM, and everything else in my life that is ever locked or inaccessible.

At the risk of being overly metaphorical, folks, I do believe I already have that device. It's called "breath." When I'm in tune with it, savoring it, and moving at it's God-given pace, all things -- especially my own heart -- eventually open.


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at July 7, 2009 06:26 PM

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