20 Questions to Contemplate in the Age of Coronavirus
Yes, we are all looking for answers these days. For sure. But the answers are more likely to come if we have tuned into the right questions to ask. Check out the 20 below. Maybe there is one here for you to noodle on. One breath at a time. The answers will come...
1. How can I practice self-care during these stressful times?
2. How can I be fully present and accounted for?
3. How can I go beyond the call of duty?
4. How can I remember that life is a gift?
5. How can I be more of support to the people around me?
6. How can I ask for help when I need it?
7. How can I wisely adapt to changing times?
8. How can I be a better, more soulful listener?
9. How can I find ways to live more simply?
10. How can I go beyond worry and stress?
11. How can I be more empathetic?
12. How can I maintain a positive state of mind?
13. How can I volunteer my services in a meaningful way?
14. How can I free myself from mental clutter?
15. How can I deliver my services online?
16. How can I boost my immune system?
17. How can I create authentic community?
18. How can I create a new business that makes a real difference?
19. How can I take more time to reflect?
20. How can I learn something I've always wanted to learn?
On the importance of asking the right questions
The Sanctuary Within
The storytelling at work blog
ILLUSTRATION: Sidney Perry, Unsplash
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Posted by: Bin Mai at March 16, 2021 12:05 AM
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