Idea Champions' Economic Bailout Package for U.S. Corporations
It's Fall in America, usually a very beautiful season, with leaves turning color and Thanksgiving just around the corner.
But there's something else in the air these days -- and that is a savage economic downturn. It's not just the leaves that are falling. It's also the stock market, housing prices, consumer confidence, and 401Ks. Ouch!
While Democrats and Republicans are both promising major fixes to the economy, no one knows exactly how long it will take. Some pundits are predicting YEARS. But your business can't afford to wait years. You need a quantum leap -- and you need it NOW -- innovation made real.
That's why IDEA CHAMPIONS has decided to offer one lucky company -- maybe YOURS -- our own economic bailout package...
1. You email us a description of your company, it's mission, and why we should donate one day of our time to help your company succeed.
2. We'll carefully review all submissions and select one company to offer our services to -- at no charge (other than expenses).
3. Which services? One of the three listed below.
Do More With Less
High Velocity Brainstorming
Team Innovation
1. Deadline to apply is December 1.
2. Your only cost is our expenses -- no cost for the session.
3. Existing Idea Champions clients (or prospects) are not eligible.
Whether or not you choose to respond to our offer, please remember to keep your perspective and your sense of humor. Life is STILL good, even if your cash flow is out the window. The DOW might be down, but you don't have to be.
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