Idea Champions' Creativity Tools Declared "Awesomest" Tools on the Web
Many thanks to gottAquirk for acknowledging us for having the "awesomest" creativity tools on the web. Of the nine tools they cited, our Jump Start and Idea Lottery tools were ranked #1 and #2. (By the way, the Idea Lottery tool came to us in a dream.)
If you like these tools, you'll probably like our others. Like Free the Genie. And our book, Awake at the Wheel (which includes 35 creative thinking techniques).
You might also like our Innovation Kits, It's AHAppening guidebooks, free downloads, or our innovation-sparking kick asss. You might also like our homemade split pea soup, but we've not yet figured out how to deliver it over the web.
PS: If you want to license Free the Genie cards or our Teamwork Cards for your intranet, call us: 800-755-IDEA.
"If not YOU, who? If not NOW, when?"
Thanks so much for the post in response to ours on - your web tools truly are awesome and I'm looking forward to checking out the others that you suggested.
Posted by: lyndilawson at November 3, 2008 03:02 AM
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