How to Capture the Wisdom of Your Organization's Elders
What do Clint Eastwood, Madeline Albright, Willie Nelson, Alan Alda, Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Ravi Shankar, Edward Kennedy, Andrew Wyeth, Frank Gehry and a host of other creative movers and shakers have in common beside fame?
Click here to see what they've learned in their long and very diverse lives... and get a glimpse of the fabulous Wisdom Project produced by Andrew Zuckerman.
If you work in an organization and are looking for a simple way to capture the wisdom of your senior people before they move on, here's a clue how to do it.
Honor the past, live in the present, be open to the future...
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at November 22, 2010 01:26 AM
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