Culture of Innovation Rule #1
If you want to create a sustainable culture of innovation, you will first need to find a way to animate the buoyant energy lurking within each member of your workforce. If you skip this step, you will never hit the critical mass of mojo needed to turn theory into practice. In other words, you need to spark more of the feeling that moves someone to dance, than the thought that moves someone to create the next spreadsheet.
Idea Champions
The Four Currents
50 Ways to Foster a Culture of Innovation
Love it! Great message and powerful image that showcases the untapped potential in so many. Talent needs to be recognized and tapped. I find the amputation of initiative and innovation lurks inside leadership minds that judge instead of experiment with exploring potential. Great thought to start the day. Thanks
Dave Sollars
Posted by: David Sollars at November 8, 2011 07:27 AM
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