Jesse Rocks!
Your blog is interesting and inspiring, however some articles where you list something like '10 ways your company can foster innovation' or examples to that effect, in some ways it feels there is not enough space to cover any of the ideas with the details they deserve, and perhaps just focusing on one would enable a deeper analysis that would be more valuable than a general overview. Thanks for all the great articles you have posted though.
Posted by: Mark Focas at November 12, 2011 01:49 AM
Mitch, I actually love your articles and what you share now. So the answer to the question is simply, more please. Thanks for all you do.
Posted by: Sharon Jeffers at November 12, 2011 06:42 AM
As I am blogging myself on banking, I woul love to see topics related to the banking industry, especcially to the retail and private banking side.
But annyway I love your posts!
Kind regards from Germany
Posted by: HLeichsenring at November 12, 2011 08:23 AM
More about best practices! What are companies doing to drive innovation (learning, skill building....) throughout the organization? You have such a perspective on would be great to hear more.
Posted by: Mary Ann Heenehan at November 14, 2011 08:35 AM
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