Creative Thinking Technique #2
Many great breakthroughs have come in dreams.
Rene Descartes got the concept for the Scientific Method in a dream. Elias Howe came up with the final design for the lock stitch sewing machine in a dream. August Kekule arrived at the formulation of the Benzene molecule in a dream.
In the dream state, our subconscious mind arrives at solutions that our conscious mind is unlikely to discover no matter much it obsesses.
That's why Thomas Edison and Salvadore Dali used to take naps during the day.
Click the link below for a simple technique you can use to help remember your dreams...
The Technique:
1. Before you go to sleep tonight, bring to mind a question, challenge or opportunity you've been struggling with
2. As you fall asleep, stay focused on it
3. When you awake, write down your dream even if the dream makes no sense to you
4. Reflect on each element of the dream and see if you can make any connections to the project you are noodling on.
Excerpted from Awake at the Wheel
Awake at the Wheel website
Idea Champions
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