Creative Thinking Technique #1
This is the first in a series of 35 postings that describe simple techniques you can use to liberate your innate creativity.
Buddha, as the story goes, once said that human beings have 2,000 thoughts per second -- and that he had slowed his mind enough to be able to identify the last two.
Few of us are in Buddha's league. Our thoughts are often a blur, flying in under the radar -- great ideas mixed with odd bits about shoe sales, sex, and salad dressing.
Like unremembered dreams, our ideas come and go, having little or no effect on our lives. That's why you need a way to track and capture them. At the very least, the effort will give you the option of remembering them.
Cavemen recorded their ideas on the walls of their cave. You also need a way.
The Technique
1. Keep an idea notebook with you at all times
2. When an inspired idea comes to you, write it down
3. At the end of the day (or week), review your notebook, circling the ideas that sing to you
4. Look for connections between ideas and see if you can synthesize something new from their interplay.
Excerpted from Awake at the Wheel
Awake at the Wheel website
Idea Champions
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